
Welcome to my blog! Send me messages, comments. Whateverr.


me :)

My photo
This is my blog. I love it! Ahh! I suck at diaries, so... blogs. Ha.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


You know I luh-huh-huv you guys :)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


WOW! It's been a while, huh? My Internet's been out, and it totally sucks, I know. But now, I'm gonna get back in it!

I'm creating 2 new blogs, one for fashion and one for political news. Sound good? ME TOO!

Today I went to a super amazing vegetarian Indian restaurant with my mom and her BFF. It was cool. And OMGGG, Gossip Girl was fantab yesterday. Totally.

I love that commercial with that lady and her friend (or her lover, I don't judge) in the grocery store and their picking out yogurt and that guy's like "Believe in you, I believe in you!" It's funny. LOLZ!

Well, I'm gonna go because I can feel that your eyes are glazing over. Love you all :)

Friday, September 12, 2008

One is the lonliest number...

Home. Friday night. Home. Pathetic.


Not really, I'm waiting for my mom to come home from her trip to... somewhere. She should be home any minute.

Hey, reader. Do you know what makes people uggos? Not that I'm an uggo, but... just wondering. And why do thirty-year-olds get Botox?


So today my mom were talking about our favorite names. If I had 15 kids, they'd be named:

1. Violet
2. Ross
3. Monica
4. Mia
5. Charles
6. Norah
7. Jacob
8. Sofea
9. Emily
10. Harry
11. Matthew
12. Farrah
13. Lillee
14. Steven
15. Jenna

The first seven's surnames would be Von Trapp, and the last eight would be Gyllenhaal :)

You know what I'm talking about.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

You know you love me... XOXO (gossipgirl)


my nana (don't judge me) has a vidcam, so i'm just gonna use that, coolee?

sorry fer mah bd grammah.

Today I had Yearbook Photographer's Club with Angela (my best friend) and that was boring...

Wow. I have nothing to say...

Sunday, August 31, 2008


YESHH! How good am I?

I know it's early, but I couldn't sleep...

And it's not that early, it's 8 am here.

I'm watching Scrubs.

La La La.... I'll post later..

OHH! And, I know EXACTLYY how I'm gonna do this video blog!

But, I'm a bit hesitant, because I thing the Internet has a bit of mystery, and text is sexier than video.
Eh, screw it. I'll post this week (or try, I'm kinda bad about promises...).


Saturday, August 30, 2008

Another week later...

Okay, since I've been SO bad about writing and whatnot... I'm gonna write a lot.

So, I'm watching What I Like About You and playing Dubloon Disaster on Neopets.com (don't judge me!).

Friday, August 22, 2008

I LOVE Lucy!

I'm watching I Love Lucy (which I LOVE) and wallowing in the fact that I haven't been too good about posting. SORRY! Well, the good news is that I'm FINALLY done with The Count of Monte Cristo- 600 pages, behind me!- and can relax- just after I finish my report...

Better get to work...

<33 my dog :)

<33 my dog :)